I think long grass is our future! This year I have observed a lot less mowing by the city/county. Instead, as I walk or run the paths nearby, I revel in the tall, waving grass to my left and right, in areas punctured by the wildflowers - some planted by the local farmers - that now return year after year. I believe it is intentional as the grass does get cut short at intersections for visibility and safety.
After a brief conversation with a NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union in Germany) rep canvasing outside our local grocery store, I learned that NABU has been working with the city to get seeds planted and let things grow - all part of the effort to increase the struggling bee and insect populations.
It isn't just Germany, either. In the UK, and beyond, there is a movement called "No-Mow May". So simple, easier than mowing your lawn, and pleasant to look at. Who said sustainability has to be hard?
The element of (sustainable) surprise
We have always been sporadic mowers, letting the clovers bloom a little longer. With kids and the way we use our yard, it doesn’t grow to the wavy stage. We rotate our rabbits through portions of the lawn and they always get dibs at the clippings. Not every plant is bee friendly, although they are probably all insect friendly. It is a new experience every year to see what comes back bigger than the last or what didn’t make it. By letting things like the wildflower patch grow back wild, we allow for and enjoy an element of surprise.
That surprise isn’t just the flowers we get. I have seen butterflies where I haven’t noticed them before. The blackbirds poke their beaks into the ground throwing soil on the walkway as they search for bugs. The strawberry plants, which are my container experiment this year, are turning red (I am sooooo excited!). The zucchini and lettuce in my new raised bed are huge, despite the slugs making up there, too. The only thing missing is the hedgehog, but I hope he or she is scurrying around at night, snapping up a wayward slug.
I have thought I should (I don’t like to think in terms of “should” as it leaves one feeling guilty) dig up more of the small lawn and plant a vegetable garden, and maybe one day I will, but each year is a chance to let the grass grow or the wildflowers sow themselves and see how it evolves. I wonder, what is more sustainable than that?
What is your backyard or balcony surprise? Is long grass in your future? Let me know in the comments!